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We are committed to the manufacture of personal safety protection equipment.

0086 175 5433 8808

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    Huji Town Industrial Park, Binzhou City, 251706, China
    0086 175 5433 8808
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      Safety firstJourney

      BIDA Company has experienced great growth over the years, but we’ve strived to maintain a family atmosphere where employees can thrive and succeed. Without a doubt, the people behind BIDA Company are the cornerstone of our company’s success.
      Full-Body Safety Harness
      Rescue Safety Harness
      Rock Climbing Safety Harness
      Fall Arrest Safety Harness
      Tower Climbing Safety Harness
      Agriculture Safety Harness
      News and announcements

      Recent News & Resources

      Indonesia Hardware Exhibitions
      Feira de Hardware da Indonésia
      Exposições de hardware na Indonésia: A Indonésia é um mercado crescente para hardware e produtos industriais. Grandes cidades como Jacarta acolhem exposições de hardware em grande escala, como a IndoBuildTech Expo e a Indo Hardware Expo, que atraem expositores locais e internacionais. Estas exposições proporcionam uma plataforma para explorar novas tendências, conectar-se com distribuidores e descobrir oportunidades de negócio no Sudeste...
      Safety Harnesses: The Ultimate Guide to Working at Height
      Safety Harnesses: The Ultimate Guide to Working at Height
      Working at height is an essential part of many industries, from construction and roofing to telecommunications and maintenance. However, it also comes with significant risks. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), falls from height are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and fatalities. That’s where safety harnesses come in — they are...
      Hardware Exhibitions Yiwu Zhejiang
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